Why should your online business be mobile friendly?
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Why should your online business be mobile friendly?

Why should your online business be mobile friendly?

“Do I need a mobile friendly website for my business?”


Have you asked yourself with this question recently? Smartphones and other mobile devices are fast becoming the preferred method of Internet access since the big booming trend the beginning of the 2010s. Majority of people nowadays browse the internet through their mobile devices. With easy access to wifi or mobile data, millions of people are online 24/7 in the world wide web.

Because of the convenience of smartphones and other mobile devices, many spend their time using them than using their own desktops. With everything going mobile friendly, sharing content had been made easier for all; e.g. facebook sharing a content with just a tap or emailing the content with a single tap and without the hassle of highlighting and copy-paste it while using your mobile device.


Why You Should Have a Mobile Friendly Site?

Let us give some 4 reasons here on why you should make your online business be mobile friendly:

SEO Purposes

  • seo-896175_960_720Search Engine Algorithms: In Google’s recent algorithm change, websites that have not been optimized for mobile accessibility are penalized. Meaning that any content that helped owners reach a front-page search result will be reduced. Nowadays, search engines are helping people find relevant and quality sites.
  • Labeled: This is another of Google’s addition is incorporating the “Mobile Friendly” label in search results. Consumers can see if the website is capable of handling a smartphone of not. Without a responsive design, you could further decrease the local visibility of your online business from customers who uses smartphones for just about everything.
  • SEO Reach for Speed and Functionality: When it comes to developing a responsive design for your site, customers expect the experience to be better than if it were they’re using a desktop computer. There is a percentile number of mobile users will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load. This will weigh heavily on SEO as the site could be penalized by being too slow. If the design is poorly viewed on smartphones and tablets, it could drastically hurt the positioning in search results.



Enhancing Sales and Leads

  • graph-841606_960_720Attracting Customers: According to some recent studies, mobile devices account for all eCommerce Website traffic. This means half of the sales of the goods online are coming from those who are using mobile devices. However, not all eCommerce websites are designed with mobile technology in mind.  More than 80 percent of smartphone users will abandon shopping from a website that is not responsive.
  • Improve your Local Business: A large portion of people are more likely to purchases from a company they can research on their smartphones. However in today’s economy, feeling connected to a business through online interaction builds trust in brands. A website that is very easy to read and navigate is a more efficient way to engage those users.



Remaining Competitive

  • 5EWM2TS69ABeating up the Local Competition: Digital marketing and interaction are important aspects when it comes to remaining competitive. Your business’s activity on the Internet can easily play into the success in a brick-and-mortar location. It is safe to assume that your competitors has already built a responsive design for their site. If you don’t create a mobile-friendly website of your own, you may be helping your competitors by giving them sales.
  • A lot of Mobile Users are Taking to the Web: As of the year of 2014, mobile devices surpassed desktop PCs for accessing the Internet. This statistics alone should’ve influence you on your decision to have a mobile friendly website. As the years pass by, more and more people take to the world wide web from their mobile devices to find everything from clothes to the best pizza place in town.



Building your Brand’s Reputations

  • coffee-apple-iphone-deskA Strong Reputation to Maintain: Building up an online reputation for your business can influence local shopping. While digital marketing campaigns and social media can help boost your business’s reputation, your website will also play a key role in how people will view your company/business. If lack in a responsive design, some visitors may assume that your business is not professional or reliable enough. It is perhaps that the important information may be too difficult to read causing people to leave the site. Anyway, a responsive mobile design can influence how well local and global customers view your brand.

In reality, what it all boils down to everything is how successful you want your business to go. I do hope this reason will help you and your business flourish in the world wide web.