The Evolution of Digital Transformation
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The Evolution of Digital Transformation

The Evolution of Digital Transformation

Digital transformations for businesses have risen in the last decade, rocketing especially so in the last two years due to the pandemic that pushed forth a wave of digitization.  Business sectors across the board have increasingly adopted and integrated digital tech into their operations over the last 5 years.  You know that life and technology have integrated in a big way, when even 10 year old kids are latched onto smartphones.

AI Forge New Possibilities and Open Doors for Businesses 

AI or Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems via Data Mining and Process Discovery.  In the early 2000s many organizations depended on specialists manually analyzing information and process flows with hardly any form of workflow automation.  Manual analysis was slow in mapping out processes and identifying inefficiencies.  Nowadays, organizations are turning to machine learning and predictive analytics to get and analyze their processes in a more accurate way. About 28% of organizations are reaching to expand their use of process intelligence technologies and process mining, in keeping with a Forrester study that was conducted within the 1st quarter of 2020. It’s clear that technology is required for understanding processes and predicting user behaviours for profits, in an exceedingly reliable, real-time and data-driven way.

Desktop Automation Is Not Exactly Digital Transformation

In the early 2000s, businesses around the world started to embrace desktop automation in their everyday operations.  Back then, many assumed that desktop automation is equal to digital transformation, but these days we now know that they are not equivalent.   There are so many more aspects that contribute to Digital Transformation, technological innovations such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Social Media, among the rise of “no code” technologies adaptation.  These have made businesses remodel their strategies to remain relevant.  Like it or not, Digital transformation initiatives have become a norm spanning diverse workflows and interconnected systems that integrate across different organizations, pushing forward innovations.

Non-Tech Users Play an Important Role in Digital Transformation

A critical change is the evolving role of developers and their non-tech users, such as department managers and end users, with regards to digital transformation.  About 20 years ago only tech professionals dictate technological changes.  The roles today are changed, common business (non-tech) users play an important role in such change initiatives.  They can also leverage on ready developed platforms to tap into the various resources and connectivity as part of change management, expanding their CRM reach.  We will see another wave of technologically savvy business users empowered with the ability to lead and conduct business processes shaping the face of technological advancement and digital leadership models, as digital transformation continues to evolve.


Over the years, digital transformation has become a vital role as the world goes more digital.  Many have embraced working remotely because of the pandemic, and this may become the norm in the future.  Just like how a brick and mortar business owner with a physical restaurant needs to think out of the box on how to get diners to come in for their meals, or he can bring the meals to his customers, by leveraging on the tech and ready users on various delivery platforms.  

Business agility is ever so important especially now, as organizations have been forced to keep up with changes and embrace adopting digital transformation into their processes wherever possible.  It’s a race of keeping up, embracing ready solutions, or bite the dust and get left behind.