How Will TikTok Help Your Business
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How Will TikTok Help Your Business

How Will TikTok Help Your Business

TikTok is a popular social media platform with over 800 million active users.  Second to Instagram, which has around 1 billion active users, it’s the seventh most-utilized social application on the globe, placing it above Snapchat and Twitter at twelfth and thirteenth spot respectively.  Many businesses are already on these two platforms, so what’s preventing them from being on TikTok when the app has more users than Snapchat and Twitter combined?

Many make the mistake of thinking that TikTok is only a fad that would soon die a natural death, but it’s constant followers don’t agree.  Instagram began with teens and young adults as well, but now millions of businesses are using this social media platform to showcase their products and services.

Here are some statistics that may convince you why a business cannot afford to ignore TikTok:

      • It has 800 million active users globally and is still growing.
      • With 174 million downloads in Q1 2021,  the social video platform has generated more than two billion lifetime downloads via the App Store and Google Play.
      • It is available in 154 countries.
      • 90% of TikTok users access the app multiple times a day.
      • On average, 1 million videos are viewed on TikTok daily.

Take advantage of TikTok’s challenge feature and you can reach out to Gen Zs, as 65% of TikTok users are under 30 years old and are very active in doing challenges in TikTok.  You can use this concept and create your own challenges and offer interesting freebies or prizes in exchange.

Why is now the right time to incorporate TikTok in your marketing strategy?

There are many reasons on why you should start using TikTok to market your brand, but we are sold on these 3 aspects:

        1. Build communities easily:  Users nowadays consume a maximum amount of content through videos, and so you should look at your customers as part of a community. Sharing ideas through short videos and attracting the interest of like-minded people is what matters.
        2. Subtle Marketing:  People these days don’t like to be bothered by advertisements, and that is the reason why many are using ad-blockers.  It is very clear that the old techniques of marketing do not fare well with today’s savvy users.  As a shrewd marketer, you should look for less invasive techniques and grab the attention of your target audience quickly through engaging content.  Once you know and master the technique of incorporating your brand into well-structured stories, you will win.
        3. A place for user-generated content:  Millennials and Gen Zs value authenticity over anything else.  Many are aware of marketing tactics and thus they do not easily fall for the old tactics.  TikTok is the biggest source of user-generated content and has the advantage of being the new kid on the block.  Even some popular video publishing platforms have been plagued by fake views for some time now, and this has led to users having trust issues with what they see on these platforms.  TikTok drives content naturally as a part of its design and encourages user-generated content through its “challenge concept” whenever possible.

TikTok has become the biggest social media platform in 2020.  It will keep on growing in the upcoming months or years to come.  You may resist it and carry on with your marketing efforts on major platforms, but ask yourself this simple question – If your audience moves to TikTok, will you be there to welcome them?  The app is not that saturated unlike the major social platforms yet, and advertising on it can be cheaper.  So it is better to start exploring TikTok now and catch up on the latest trends there that are relevant to your niche and start growing your audience while converting them into potential customers.

A seasoned business owner knows that one of best ways to stay ahead of their competition is to have a proactive approach in creating marketing strategies.  Hence, utilizing TikTok for your business is both a creative and calculated decision rather than a bold hunch.  Think of it… those who adopted Instagram and Snapchat earlier on during its initial days, became an influencer easily and reap  the most from the marketing on that platform.