How marketing in Youtube will help you.
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How marketing in Youtube will help you.

How marketing in Youtube will help you.

There are currently more than 60 hours worth of videos uploaded in Youtube in every minute of everyday – one hour of video content in every second. Which this validates that video marketing is the latest trend in marketing strategies. The numbers don’t lie.

Youtube is not just a video platform, it is also a social network. Because of Youtube’s easy use format, messages are spread quickly and efficiently across a variety of mediums, including Facebook and Twitter, embedded in websites, and via email. Videos is where the web is going. The move towards videos has reached a critical mass, a tipping point to where the momentum will swing and things will start to speed up.

How Youtube works?

Youtube was created in early 2005 and has grown rapidly. Every minute, people around the world uploads more than 4 days worth of video footage to Youtube. It is also has the second-largest search engine in the world, behind Google (in which it owns Youtube). This means that users are constantly searching for information using Youtube and discovering videos relating to the topics they’re searching.

  • Youtube Videos
    One of the main reasons why Youtube was made, videos! Youtube provides a simple way for people to store videos online and share them with others. Videos are easy to share nowadays, via other forms of social media, email and websites and can also be embedded in other websites.
  • Youtube Analytics
    Youtube has it’s own self-service analytics and reporting tool. It provides data about each video you upload, so you can easily track on how many views it gets, where people are coming from to find it and what type of people or users are watching it.
  • Youtube Channels
    Like any social media sites, you have your profile but in Youtube’s case, your own channel. You can set up a Youtube Channel for your own or for your business, bringing all your videos together. This allows you to customise your channel with images representing your business or anything related to your channel. Your channel includes an ‘About’ section where you can provide a short description and link to your website or contact details.
  • Youtube Advertising
    Youtube also incorporates features that lets businesses promote their videos to users who might be interested in them, targeting customers or potential customers by demographics, topics or interests.


Benefits of using Youtube in marketing.

As the tools in Youtube that is mentioned above, there are a lot possible benefits in using Youtube marketing. Many global brands took advantage of this marketing strategy. Want to know why? Well we all know that Youtube is very massive and has emerged as a highly influential digital; marketplace where brands and their audience (customers, prospects, partners, competitors and etc.)

Key YouTube Marketing Insights from the World’s Top 100 Brands

Here are the Key Insights that can benefit you when your market using Youtube:

  • Youtube activity continues to skyrocket.
  • Linking social media and Youtube is critical to brand video marketing success.
  • Better marketers use very different video content for various customer engagement touchpoints.
  • Video marketing is as important as video production for Youtube success.
  • Competitive pressures force brands to use similar video marketing strategies.
  • The brands use targeted Youtube advertising on an ongoing basis

For the internet marketers, Youtube Marketing is an exciting new strategy to take advantage of the word wide web’s massive shift towards videos. Think about it for a sec: As others struggle to establish their company in Youtube, you will have an established presence with a top ranked video. Yes, it is very hard to knock off a popular Youtube video out of the number one spot. But you will benefit from a massive amount and instantaneous rise in your Google ranks.

Some Pitfalls that you should avoid.

  • Posting unwatchable videos
    Youtube videos don’t have to be polished or that fancy. It lends itself to spontaneity, but your videos do need to be audible and the quality needs to be high enough to be watchable, that means that your videos is not blurry so your audience won’t have a hard time to squint their eyes to figure out your video. Another common error is making videos too long. Think about how a movie trailer works might give you an idea on how to plan your video. Make it short, catchy and leave people wanting more.
  • Going terminal, instead of ‘going viral’
    Videos that ‘go viral’ are either very entertaining or very interesting. The vast majority of videos on Youtube will never attract more than 100 views, and some will sink under without a trace. Keep your videos tight and very interesting.
  • Losing sight if the goal
    Every video that you will upload should have a purpose related to your channel or business. This might help encourage audience or customers to see or buy what you’re selling. It might build an emotional connection with your brand.



Youtube is one of the largest, most visited social media website in the world wide web. Fortunately, it is also one of the easiest places to get massive amounts of traffic with minimal effort. By utilizing these best practices, like you can now create engaging videos, dominate SEO and send your videos surging up the search rankings. It’s an amazing strategy and it will help in positioning yourself for growth as the ‘video onslaught’ powers on across the web. And to add the cherry on top – is how unbelievably fast this strategy can improve your search rankings.