5 Best Practices for Remote Working in the Digital Marketing Industry
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5 Best Practices for Remote Working in the Digital Marketing Industry

5 Best Practices for Remote Working in the Digital Marketing Industry

Working from home is the dream of many working adults, especially those with family.  A large percentage of employees express their desire to work from home for some days of the week if possible.  The past months of lockdowns and restrictions may have turned the way most of us work upside down.  But the good news is, many businesses have been pleasantly surprised that employees can be productive too when working from home as similar to when they are working in the office.  It’s very likely that companies across the globe will embrace some form of work from home policy to help their employees to cope from the ongoing pandemic.

Working remotely however is not for everybody.  There are some difficulties that come along with working outside a traditional office.  After all, your home is designed to be a home, not an office.

Here are some tips that we have put together based on our past experience of running a home office and this will hopefully help upgrade your efficiency, should you choose to work from home: 

      1. Have the Right Tools
        If you want to work at home, you have to have the right tools for your work.  As an experienced marketer who is working remotely, you need to make sure that you have these.
        Internet connection: Please ensure that your internet connection availability and speed is reliable.  Depending on another person’s WiFi not advisable although it’s the last resort in case of a sudden outage at your end.  Then again, you might be better off with a reliable mobile hotspot, to guarantee you’re always ready to get on the web.
        Work desk and chair:  This is often overlooked and many made do with working at the most convenient table and chair in their home, without considering that the setup is not optimized for long hours of working on the laptop.  The ergonomics, or rather lack of, will give way to body aches and strains after a prolonged period.
        Headphones: These days there are many choices of good quality, noise cancelling headphones that can allow you to work anywhere without getting distracted.  The headphones are also useful for your online meetings for privacy as well as not to disturb others in the households if you have back-to-back meetings to attend to.
        Small tools and tech like the above may not look important but they can make a big difference for the long run.  Little things that you haven’t dealt with before will suddenly become a major sticking point if you don’t manage them. 

      1. Build Consistency
        When you don’t need to show up at the workplace on time physically and interact with others the moment you reach the office, it is very easy to get distracted and procrastinate.  No doubt, this isn’t something you would want to happen, but somehow it can sneakily creep up to you and before you know it, you have wasted 2 hours of the morning just getting yourself together to start working.  To stay beneficial and productive, you need to build up some consistency.  Setting up a timetable and adhering to it as though you were in a regular office setting is one sure way to keep you on track.

      1. Communication! Communication! Communication!
        This is one of the biggest obstacles in remote working.  Miscommunication tends to occur more frequently as information is misinterpreted as It is easy to lose sight of certain goals since you are not physically with your team. This can be profoundly unfavorable and may prompt disarray as well as dissatisfaction.  As a remote employee, it is your responsibility to over-communicate everything with your employer, clients and coworkers.  It’s smarter to be repetitive or state something clear than to not say everything.

      1. Team Connection
        Opportunities to build camaraderie is greatly hampered when you work remotely with your team.  You’re not commuting together to work, having lunch or rubbing shoulders with each other daily.  This becomes challenging to create meaningful bonds that help in getting things done.  However, you can still improve the team connection when everyone is working at home.  Thanks to several helpful collaboration tools, it’s possible to stay in touch, even when you and your team are spread out across the country.  

      1. Keep Hydrated
        Always remember to drink lots of water to hydrate yourself.  Even though you may be working at home, we may sometimes forget to drink water.  Similar to in the office, keep a bottle or jug of water on your work desk so you can sip in between your tasks.  Always hydrate yourself and keep healthy.

Working at home definitely has its pros and cons.  In order for you to experience more of the positive side and less of the negative side, you need to be critical with your decisions, after all you know what works best for you.