2017 Video Marketing Trends Every Digital Marketer Needs To Know
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2017 Video Marketing Trends Every Digital Marketer Needs To Know

2017 Video Marketing Trends Every Digital Marketer Needs To Know

Social media is always on top with marketing trends and the biggest trend right now is Video Marketing. The development of improved mobile tech has enabled widespread video consumption. Always available at anytime. Although video content isn’t new and it’s certainly growing more, it will likely to keep growing in this year of 2017 and beyond.

Keep in mind that social media giants are battling this out heavily. Facebook invested million of dollars in promoting their live feature before it got out. Instagram and Snaptchat have crossed swords in video stories. Amids all the chaos in the digital marketing world, you better make a solid plan. The video marketing trends discussed in this article has all the intel you’ll need.

So jot down every point. You can’t afford to miss this:

Brand Content

Branded Content is a video that promotes the brand and it’s values, more and more people opt to watching videos instead of reading blog posts. Brands want to directly connect with their target audiences and some had already too advantage of this and produce content that builds brand awareness, shares their message and engages their customers.

A video is an excellent way to showcase your product or to promote your services. Think of branded video content like a TV commercial for the Internet. But its purpose isn’t always to make direct sale and its tone is a bit more sophisticated. A specific example is the branded video content for the Superbowl, it reached 2.8 billion people. Just imagine if your content could get the same reach.


Video Homepages or Landing Pages

It’s been accurately proven that a video can significantly increase conversation rates, especially when it comes to the world of eCommerce. Although, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of video if your website is more oriented towards selling services instead of products.

Unlike images, videos are able to engage more of our senses, and it’s one of the main reasons why they’re so effective. Using a video on your homepage as a manner of introducing your brand is a very excellent way to establish a relationship with your audience and build some trust. People on any site were found to be more confident when when making a purchase from a site with video.


Live Streaming

Live streaming video has exploded in popularity in the last year with Facebook Live and Periscope, both of which allow you to share videos that is happening in real time. Brands are taking more notice and more of them are using live video specifically on social media. Periscope alone has 200 million broadcasts which is translated to 110 years worth of video. Wow that’s a lot videos to watch.

You can get creative in using the live stream feature. Use them for product sneak peeks, demonstrations, Q&A sessions or simply let people watch your process as a creative agency, a freelancer or a manufacturer.


GIFS on Social Media

Technically GIFs are not videos but they’re similar. They’re more like snippets of action that last a couple of seconds long but they don’t have sound. When was the last time you checked your Twitter feed? You might noticed the predominant use of animated GIFs and short videos in the social media site. GIFs are the perfect medium for telling stories in a short time-frame.
Since the average person’s attention span is just over eight seconds ling, so GIFs are perfect for online content. Adds a little more flare or some exaggeration. Brands used them more frequently on social media, where they can be used to show emotion or share a reaction.


Story Wars

Yes the clashing of stories. Snaptchat’s story feature was cruising in the early 2016. It was averaging over 10% quarter on quarter growth. Compounded, that’s a very massive jump in every 3 months. But then Instagram dropped a near identical feature down to the name. Only a few months after Instagram launched the Stories feature, the usage was already rivaling Snaptchat. Even Facebook is not backing out on the Story Wars.

Take advantage and use all three social media apps to reach out your audience or potential customers. Do some teasers for your products or tease your audience for an upcoming live or announcement for you Brand.


The 80/20 rule of video marketing

There is an unwritten rule. It turns out only 20% of people read the written content you took time in writing it. On the other hand, a study shows a whopping 80% are likely to watch your videos.

This means that you should make at least 4x the time and effort into serving up some awesome branded video content, as you do in creating written content. It’s not a coincidence that about 80% of the marketers have this ratio totally reversed and yet the 20% that get it righ are the ones reaping the 80% of the profits. So which group are you in?