12 Simple Content Marketing Tips to Help New Businesses
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12 Simple Content Marketing Tips to Help New Businesses

12 Simple Content Marketing Tips to Help New Businesses

Content marketing has become a huge part of consumer engagement and attracting the attention of the right audience online. In this digital age, content marketing is a must for anyone starting a new venture. The idea of content marketing can be overwhelming for some, especially for those who have little or no experience with it.

So in this article will be giving some simple tips in content marketing that will may help you out and understand the gist of it.

  1. Create content to gently guide your customers through your buying cycle. Don’t treat it like a race car, full throttle through conversion.
  2. Promote your content through a [dot]com domain as often as possible. 84% of top-ranking websites uses [dot]com as their top-level domain.
  3. Don’t force your audience to see the value in the contents or hard selling it, that method won’t work. Build your content around a takeaway for the audience.
  4. Don’t write short posts just to get the job done and be over with. Short posts is not enough. Write a long-form content of 1,000+ words to help improve your search rank, traffic and value to the reader.
  5. Guest posting on popular sites who has the same niche as yours. Put a link back to your site within your byline or bio. This builds traffic as well as personal brand authority.
  6. Do avoid lengthy titles and go with short, simple and keyword riched titles that will get the point across. Your audience may become wary if your titles are the click-bait kind.
  7. Share your own content! Take advantage on all of the available social media platforms on your hand. Use the social sharing buttons next to your content. There are plugins to make this process easier.
  8. Don’t be afraid to take risks with SEO tactics.  Not all marketing tactics will be a sure thing. Some are risky but also offer potentially high rewards.
  9. Always plan a content strategy. The most effective content marketers are often likely to have documented a strategy in place.
  10. Create a strategy for content promotions. Make a checklist for each post that list all of the social channels and platforms you’ll use to promote your content.
  11. Always have a plan in hand for building your audience. Take advantage with the free content marketing tools at your disposal. They will help you out in your strategic plan to build your audience and save you time too.
  12. Talk and write as if you were having a genuine conversation with a friend. This will help in you in engaging your audience. They will far more likely to relate to and engage with content that is conversational in nature. Speak on their level, you’re not a walking textbook.


These are the simple tips. Remember to create good content that will keep your audiences coming back and engaging them in your content helps too.