10 Social Media Apps That Will Rule in 2021
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10 Social Media Apps That Will Rule in 2021

10 Social Media Apps That Will Rule in 2021

In light of the situation of 2020, many Social Media apps gained immense popularity and dominated especially via mobile devices.  This is something that even web-based social media sites have not been able to deliver in the past years.

Datareportal updates their vast global compendium of data twice a year.   It is interesting to see how far some countries are diverging in terms of social media use, and surprising that some western countries are lagging a fair way behind.

According to their Digital 2021 Global Overview Report, published on the 27th of January 2021: 

      • Half a billion new social media users.
      • 4.66 billion people around the world now use the internet, of those users, and 4.20 billion are active social media users
      • 5.22 billion unique mobile users

Incredibly, out of the total world population of 7.83 billion, around 53.6% of the population  use some or any other social media platform.

It’s no surprise that vying for the top spot is Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, but what is interesting to observe is that since these two top social media networking apps are owned by Facebook Inc. (together with Instagram, another very popular app), the competition isn’t forceful between these platforms, but the competition is more fierce among apps which are owned by different companies in general.

Let’s dive into our list of social media apps and see which platforms are most widely used. This is not in order by the way.

  1. Reddit

    With it’s agreeable and minimalistic design, the platform is a happening place for mobile users. This social media app holds a strong community of an intellectual group of people who discuss, and share pictures and videos.  There are many dedicated forums for anything under the sun, called ‘Subreddits’.  But, these subreddits have a different type of engagement level, it is suggested to research and find out the relevant and popular subreddits that are suitable for your business promotions.

  2. Telegram

    This app is considered as one of the top social apps for secret texting.  Telegram has consistently expanded its user base; all thanks to its user privacy driven policies.  The security in this app is what makes it stand out among its competitors.  From a business perspective, the brands can connect with their users directly.  For instance, brands and businesses can make chatbots on the platform or use the app’s channel feature to broadcast messages to several subscribers at once.

  3. Tumblr

    Familiar with micro-blogging?  Then you should know Tumblr as one of the best social networking apps, websites and a micro-blog.  It is very popular with the young generation who have used this app for showcasing eye catching features like customizing blog share platforms and versatile blog content.  It has been a top favorite among the best social media apps for providing a blog writing and discussion platform.

  4. Pinterest

    This app is another major player in the mobile social media app, which has been demonstrating to the whole globe how critical visual content is or could be.  It is the fastest independent mobile that has reached millions of monthly users that have made it a huge influencer.  Pinterest users usually like to be inspired by new ideas, to try new things; hence having a presence on Pinterest can help leave your brand in the minds of consumers.  This gives your brand an opportunity to influence and shape their purchasing choices.

  5. WhatsApp

    This app has already outperformed a ton of social media and messaging platforms.  With a broad user group, which further shadowed Facebook messenger evaluations and in this manner, ended up being a standout amongst other social media apps.  Many users in more than 180 countries use WhatsApp. First used, simply used to connect, text and speak with loved ones, it gradually had people turning to use this free social media app for communicating in businesses with the Whatsapp Business app built with the small business in mind. 

  6. TikTok

    A fast growing and new social media app for video sharing.  TikTok turned into the world’s most downloaded application in Q1 of 2018, beating Instagram, Facebook, and other well-known social media apps.  At present, this new social media app is generally pervasive in Asia, however its ubiquity may immediately spread toward the west moreover.  As of late, TikTok has procured Musical.ly, another equivalent music video sharing famous online media application. Its commitment with other significant online media stages makes it the best social media management application.

  7. Instagram

    Another social media app idea that has become a super sensation.  Instagram has now a large user base of millions around the globe, which are increasing day by day.  Each and every other day, Instagram presents another advancement for connecting with its users more.  Instagram allows you to share a wide scope of content. It has recently launched IGTV to support long-form videos.  To promote your brand, you can create a business profile on this app, which provides you with rich analytics of your posts, likes, views and profile.

  8. Line

    This app aims to reshape the world of communication by bringing users closer to their family, friends and loved ones.  Being a free mobile app, LINE has a lot to offer, for example, voice and video calls, instant messages, and a boundless assortment of imaginative stickers so users can express themselves in a better way.  As of today the app has more than 600 million users interacting on its platform.

  9. YouTube

    YouTube is one of the best video streaming apps out there, from movies to music and form personal videos to independent films, you name it and YouTube has it. After Google it is the second-largest search engine.  So if you want to promote your business or anything else, this is a great platform to use.

  10. Facebook

    The social media app that has the largest user base and monthly active use. It was a craze among the Millennials. With boundless potential, Facebook rules the social media world with numerous features.  It is not that difficult to get started and browse through and support all types of content. The app works using an algorithm that prioritizes content which starts a significant interaction between people with the same interests. It also has a standalone Messenger app, it used to be a messaging feature within Facebook but since 2011, Facebook converted it and expanded its features.

  11.  Clubhouse (Bonus!)

    The underdog that is catching up fast on the heels of the titans, with the makings of another overnight sensation, Clubhouse is now valued at 1 billion in Dec 2020 according to businessofapps.  This new social networking app made its debut in 2020, embracing  audio-chat features.  Users can listen in to interviews, conversations, and discussions between people on various and interesting topics. It is almost like tuning in to a podcast but live and with an added layer of exclusivity.  Currently only available on iOS devices, you can only get on Clubhouse with an invite from someone.